Even your drinking water isn’t safe from do-gooders who may really be out to ruin your health — and all for the "good cause" of your teeth. Fluoridated water is often used in soda pop production (and some bottled waters too.)You need water! Pure water. And there are those who are vehement that you must drink fluoridated water.
Fluoridation advocates are typically dentists, medical organizations, and government health departments. Isn’t it a conflict of interest for dentists to actually want you to be cavity free? Same with medical organizations. They make money when you’re sick. And the government… is there something in the Constitution that makes it their job to keep everyone from getting cavities? Fluoridation advocates typically simply downplay the concerns of fluoridation opponents, and attempt to rebut side-issues rather than addressing the big health concerns.
The health concerns about fluoridation are very serious.
A report from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) indicated that fluoride levels in drinking water may be too high. The report "found persuasive evidence that fluoride in water increases bone fractures as well as stiffness in the joints of the elderly, and that it also may be related to Alzheimer’s disease, marginally reduce IQ in children and alter the endocrine and hormonal levels that control most of the functions of the human body with unknown side effects. The chemical may even cause bone cance.
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