Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Software Development Project

Software Development Project:

Phases OverviewSoftware development isn't all about the code. In fact, coding is part of the overall project lifecycle.Softwarte development project includes certain different phases and almost each business applys these phases to the specific needs of real situations. Requirements Analysis and Definition. System OverviewThis phase begins with analyzing what exactly you want to have done.

The system overview helps you see the big picture of the project and understand which steps need to be carried out. You should determine and document the vision for the target product or system; the user profile(s); the hardware and software environment; the most important components, functions, or features the software must have; the security requirements, etc.The product of this stage is the general system requirements (and sometimes, draft user manual). This document will be modified as the project is undertaken.This is a phase that is usually obscure to customers. Vendors tend to supply you with an estimate itself, and that's it.

customers may and should take more active part in the estimation process. For example, you have to be able to select from different options discussing the platforms, technologies, and tools that will be used for the target system. Also, make sure your vendor does a research of the existing libraries and tools that can be used in the project. Remember that an estimate should explicitly list what is included in the price, as well as why and how much any additional features will cost. Never let the vendor baffle you with technical jargon and complex details. Finally, if you are in doubt about the provided estimate, consult an expert; if the vendor appears to try to take advantage of you, don't bargain with such a company - just say "thank you" and look for another OSP. Outsourcing is risky by nature, so you can't afford to take chances with a vendor like that.
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