Wednesday, February 4, 2009


No matter if you are an amateur just getting acquainted to using your computer or an experienced computer user, we all have to deal with the annoyances of spyware and/or malware. Personally, I have been using a computer for many years and it's really a shame that we should have to even deal with this type of problem at all. For many years now, marketing companies have been taking advantage of us by writing programs and sneaking them into software downloads without our permission so they can force us to view there advertisements for products.

Unfortunately, not only do we have to deal with looking at these uninvited advertisements, they actually slow down the way our computer runs causing our screens just to freeze up in the middle of doing something important, or how about when your in the middle of playing your favorite online game and wham your computer just reboots for no apparent reason. Sound familiar? Sure, it does and 99% of the time, it's because you have been plagued, again, with some type of spyware or malware. Lawmakers are recognizing the problems and the invasion of privacy that these marketing companies are causing and are working on laws to make them outlawed, but until that day comes the best we can do is educate ourselves about PC security and how to protect and remove spyware from our computer systems.

The first thing you need to know about PC security, is spyware and malware are contracted in many ways, and has many names as well. Adware displays web-based advertisements through pop-up windows or through annoying advertising banners. Many alter your browser settings or change your default home page to point to some other site and they are capable of sending personal information to third-parties called Hijackers. Keyloggers can store information, which could very well include personal details and passwords that you have typed into your computer, such that it can later be retrieved by third-parties. Then, there are others called Dialers, which connect you to long-distance or toll numbers without your consent, resulting in expensive phone bills. The list goes on, as you can even get spyware just by visiting a webpage and the best way to stop this is with good PC security.

Spyware developers are sneaky and they design these bugs to get around firewalls and yes, even virus software, as well. Don't be fooled, nothing is full proof from spyware and other programs like it because new ones are written all the time, just like software is designed to rid you of these un-welcome guests. While you can remove them manually you may spend hours hunting them down in your PC and chances are you will miss parts of the spyware programs or even damage your windows software causing you more hours by having to reinstall your system all over again. Personally, I use a spyware remover and run it at least every other day as part of my PC security protection. If you are like me, you have tried several, but, I like Spyware Nuker , it is easy to install, use and it stays up to date with all the latest new definitions for combating and protecting your pc from Phishing , Popups, Spyware, Adware, Spyware Trojans, Hijackers, Keyloggers and others as well. Therefore, you might want to check it out as it also has won several awards.

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